Tuesday 6 August 2013

Reasons why young people do not have a drivers' license: from Michael Sivak at UM Transportation Institute

This survey examined why a substantial percentage of young adults currently do not have a driver�s license, and the future plans of this group concerning obtaining a license. The survey yielded useable responses from 618 persons aged 18 to 39 without a driver�s license. The top eight reasons (primary or secondary) for not having a driver�s license were as follows: (1) too busy or not enough time to get a driver�s license (37%), (2) owning and maintaining a vehicle is too expensive (32%), (3) able to get transportation from others (31%), (4) prefer to bike or walk (22%), (5) prefer to use public transportation (17%), (6) concerned about how driving impacts the environment (9%), (7) able to communicate and/or conduct business online instead (8%), and (8) disability/medical/vision problems (7%). Of the respondents, 22% indicated that they plan on never getting a driver�s license. On the other hand, 69% expect to get a driver�s license within the next five years. Young adults without a driver�s license�in comparison with the general population of the same age�tend to have less education and higher unemployment. However, the present study was not designed to investigate whether there is a causal relationship, or the direction of the effect if there were such a relationship.


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